
Installation Guide


qb-target qb-core

Read Me

1. Add the items below to your qb-core > shared > items.lua (thermite should be in your items list but if it isn't here you go)
["blackcard"] 			  	  = {["name"] = "blackcard", 			 			["label"] = "Black Card", 	    		["weight"] = 150, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "blackcard.png",    ["unique"] = false,   ["useable"] = true, 	["shouldClose"] = true,    ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "Black Card.. for the heists for sure"},
['trojan_usb'] 				 	 = {['name'] = 'trojan_usb', 			  	  	['label'] = 'Trojan USB', 				['weight'] = 0, 		['type'] = 'item', 		['image'] = 'usb_device.png', 			['unique'] = false, 	['useable'] = false, 	['shouldClose'] = true,	   ['combinable'] = nil,   ['description'] = 'Handy software to shut down some systems'},
['laptopgreen']        = {['name'] = 'laptopgreen',           ['label'] = 'Green Laptop',     ['weight'] = 10000,   ['type'] = 'item',  ['image'] = 'greenlaptop.png',      ['unique'] = false,   ['useable'] = false,  ['shouldClose'] = true,    ['combinable'] = nil,   ['description'] = 'Why is this green?'},
['thermite'] 			 	 	 = {['name'] = 'thermite', 			  			['label'] = 'Thermite', 				['weight'] = 1000, 		['type'] = 'item', 		['image'] = 'thermite.png', 			['unique'] = false, 	['useable'] = true, 	['shouldClose'] = true,    ['combinable'] = nil,   ['description'] = 'Sometimes you\'d wish for everything to burn'},

2. Drag and drop the blackcard.png, thermite.png, greenlaptop.png, and trojan_usb.png to your inventory > images folder

3. Customize the webhook system for yourself at config.

4. Customize the Config to your liking for rewards and other features. If you want to use a skill system make sure to enable it in the config which MZ Skills is supported and make sure to edit the skill name. If you encounter any problems open up a ticket for support.

5. For the door integration, qb-doorlock's last version is basically same with the qb-doorlock so whatevery you use (I prefer latest one which is qb-doorlock) just put the codes below to any config inside of the configs file.

    Config.DoorList['jewelry'] = {
        doors = {
            {objHash = 1425919976, objHeading = 306.00003051758, objCoords = vec3(-631.955383, -236.333267, 38.206532)},
            {objHash = 9467943, objHeading = 306.00003051758, objCoords = vec3(-630.426514, -238.437546, 38.206532)}
        audioRemote = false,
        slides = false,
        authorizedJobs = { ['police']=0 },
        lockpick = false,
        maxDistance = 2.5,
        locked = true,
        --oldMethod = true,
        --audioLock = {['file'] = 'metal-locker.ogg', ['volume'] = 0.6},
        --audioUnlock = {['file'] = 'metallic-creak.ogg', ['volume'] = 0.7},
        --autoLock = 1000,
        --doorRate = 1.0,
        --showNUI = true

    Config.DoorList['jewelry2'] = {
    	lockpick = false,
    	garage = false,
    	slides = false,
    	authorizedJobs = { ['police']=0 },
    	objHeading = 36.000022888184,
    	locked = true,
    	audioRemote = false,
    	fixText = false,
    	objHash = 1335309163,
    	objCoords = vec3(-629.133850, -230.151703, 38.206585),
    	maxDistance = 2.0,
        --oldMethod = true,
        --audioLock = {['file'] = 'metal-locker.ogg', ['volume'] = 0.6},
        --audioUnlock = {['file'] = 'metallic-creak.ogg', ['volume'] = 0.7},
        --autoLock = 1000

6. The dispatch system is configured with ps-dispatch by default but if you have a different dispatch system go to client/functions.lua and the last event change your dispatch system also in the config make sure to do true or false depending on what you are using. If you are using ps-dispatch
then please add the following to your client folder and then cl_events.lua file add this to the bottom: 
    RegisterNetEvent("ps-dispatch:client:vangelicoRobbery", function ()

7. If you would like to change the minigame to your liking go to client/functions.lua and change the minigame to your liking. Make sure to use the appropriate events in the proper sections:
    Thermite: TriggerServerEvent('aspect-jewelry:server:beginCooldown')

    Keypad: TriggerEvent('aspect-jewelry:client:KeycardSuccess')

    Computer: TriggerEvent('aspect-jewelry:client:ComputerSuccess')

Last updated